
The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

The Communist Manifesto Book Name and Author Name The Communist Manifesto—by—Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels  Date Read January 18th - January 19th (2017) Introduction The Communist Manifesto is the magnum opus of Karl Marx. The first part of the book explains the theory of communism. And the second part of the book covers the comparative study of communism to different schools of socialism. Book Review  The first part of the book has explained the theory of communism in a very crystal clear way. The second part of the book was a bit tough for me understand. In the genre of philosophy related books, would definitely rate this book 5 out 5 Favourite Quotes “The bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments of production, and thereby the relations of production, and with them the whole relations of society. Conservation of the old modes of production in unaltered forms, was, on the contrary, the first cond...

SuperFreakonomics—by—Steven Levitt

SuperFreakonomics Global Cooling, Patriotic Prostitutes And Why Suicide Bombers Should Buy Life Insurance BOOK NAME & AUTHOR    SuperFreakonomics—by—Steven Levitt Date Read January 15th - January 18th (2017) INTRODUCTION SuperFreaknomics is the sequel to the book Freakonomics. This book helps the reader to understand different day-to-day situations and cases with the concept of ‘human incentive’. Book Review  Though Levitt’s ‘SuperFreakonomics’ was much bolder than its prequel ‘Freakonomics’ personally I liked the Levitt’s prequel more. In the genre of economics-related books, would definitely rate this book 3 out 5 Favourite Quotes “Most of us want to fix or change the world in some fashion. But to change the world, you first have to understand it.”  - Steven Levitt In the United States especially, politics and economics don’t mix well. Politicians have all sorts of reasons to pass all sorts of laws that, a...
1984 Big Brother is Watching You!! BOOK NAME & AUTHOR    1984—by—George Orwell Date Read January 6th - January 15th (2017) INTRODUCTION ‘1984’ is the magnum opus of the writer George Orwell. The book is a political satire against the totalitarian regime. It offers the writer’s nightmare vision of a disturbing totalitarian, bureaucratic world. Book Review  1984 is a marvelous political dystopia by Geoge Orwell which does an excellent job in helping the readers to foresee a disturbing totalitarianism, bureaucratic government.  In the genre of fiction related books, would definitely rate this book 5 out 5. Favourite Quotes “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” - George Orwell, 1984 “War is peace.  Freedom is slavery.  Ignorance is strength.” - George Orwell, 1984 “The best books... are those that tell you what you know already.” - George Orwell,...
Life 3.0  Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence Book Name and Author Name    Life 3.0—by—Max Tegmark  Date Read January 1st - January 5th (2017) Introduction ‘Life 3.0’ is a comprehensive guide to understand the concept of Artificial Intelligence. This book helps the readers to fathom the positive and negative implications of Artificial Intelligence on mankind.  Book Review  ‘Life 3.0’ is one of the best book ever written for a layman on the understanding of the notion of Artificial Intelligence. The writer ‘Max Tegmark’ presented both the positive and the negative contradistinct implications of the Artificial Intelligence on mankind in an unprejudiced way In the genre of science related books, would definitely rate this book 4 out 5. Favourite Quotes “Your synapses store all your knowledge and skills as roughly 100 terabytes’ worth of information, while your DNA stores merely about a gigabyte,...